Certifications:NYSDOS Buildings & Standards -
Certified Code Enforcement Official USGBC - LEED AP BD&C ACI - Certified Construction Inspection ACI - Certified Project Manager ACI - Certified Consultant USDOL - OSHA 10 & OSHA 30 ATSSA - NYS Registered Flagger NYS - WBE & DBE SBA (SDB) - EDWOSB, WOSB & WOB |
236 - Construction of Building
2361 - Residential Building Construction 2362 - NonResidential Building Construction 541 - Professional Scientific Technical 54131 - Architectural Services 54132 - Landscape Architectural Services 54133 - Engineering Services 54134 - Drafting Services 54135 - Building Inspection Services 54161 - Management Consulting 5611 - Office Administrative Services |
NYS Commodity Codes:CSI 01 - General Requirement
CSI 014 - Quality Requirements CSI 0129 - Payment Procedures CSI 0131 - Project Management/Coordination CSI 0132 - Construction Progress Doc. CSI 0133 - Submittal Procedures CSI 0145 - Quality Control CSI 0177 - Closeout Procedure CSI 0178 - Closeout Submittals CSI 311 - Site Cleaning NiGP 907 - Architectural/Engineering Services NIGP 918 - Consulting Services NIGP 958 - Management Services SIC 8741 - Construction Management Services SIC 8742 - Administrative/General Management Consulting |
Certifications/AccreditationsNYS-Certified Code
Enforcement Official USGBC - LEED AP BD&C ACI - Certified Construction Inspection ACI - Certified Project Manager ACI - Certified Consultant USDOL - OSHA 10 & OSHA 30 ATSSA - NYS Registered Flagger NYS - WBE SBA (SDB) - EDWOSB, WOSB, WOB,&DBE |
In addition to qualifying work experience,
Susan has maintained;
Susan has maintained;
- NYDOS Code Enforcement Official certification since 1992
- ACI Certified Construction Inspector since 1993
- ACI Certified Project Manager & ACI Certified Consultant Certification since 1993
- OSHA-10 Certification since 2008
- OSHA-30 Certification since 2010
- LEED AP BD&C accreditation since 2011
- American Traffic Safety Services Association Registered Flagger since 2014